Results & Data

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Here are just a few examples of results landlords have achieved in their properties as a result of our Experience Specialist Programs: 

A 650,000 sq. foot property was able to secure a 75,000 sq. foot lease in part because of our programming and the community environment we created according to the tenant who signed.  This information filtered back into the market and has led competing buildings to begin implementing their own tenant engagement program in order to keep up.

A 515,000 sq. foot property retained a 27,000 sq. foot tenant and the tenant gave credit to the strong engagement their employees enjoyed at the property.

At a 1.5 million sq. foot building the leasing brokers insisted that our contract be retained as it was a differentiator in the market and was contributing factor in their recent lease renewals.

A nearly 600,000 sq. foot building was able to increase occupancy by 15% in the first two years our program was in place.

A 950,000 sq. foot building increased tenant satisfaction that exceeded industry and market standards, built a community amongst the building staff and tenants that was stimulating, collaborative and fun and exceeded forecast tenant leasing renewals and new tenant leasing.

A 415,000 sq. foot building included adding our program in lease negotiations in order to retain their 115,000 sq. foot anchor tenant

A 650,000 sq. foot property was able to increase rents between $0.50 and $0.75 as a result of our culture and community based programming.

A 515,000 sq. foot property was able to retain 100% occupancy as a result of the community created by our programming, and the property’s rents remain at the top of the market.

Rent increases of 3%-4% have been realized in properties where our program has been installed.




According to recent studies, 87% of HR Leaders consider employee retention a critical or high priority. It’s not hard to understand why. The cost to replace a highly trained employee can be upwards of 200% their annual salary, possibly more, and research says that more than 25% of employees are at high risk for retention at any given time. Employers will agree that the best strategy is to avoid losing employees to begin with. But how?  The best solution - emotionally engage them.

Statistics show that 75% of engaged employees are less likely to be looking for a job than their disengaged counterparts, making the cost benefit of employee engagement even more clear. It immediately mitigates the danger of disenfranchised employees, resulting in fewer lost workers and the replacement cost that comes with them. Beyond this, cultivating an engaging culture and encouraging emotional connections between co-workers can yield productivity results that training and experience cannot match. Studies show that employee happiness is most directly correlated to emotional connections with co-workers. And polls reveal that nearly 40% of workers say they’d work harder if they were happy in their job. Connections lead to happiness and happiness leads to harder work, which correlates directly to greater productivity. In fact, studies show that people who are emotionally connected at work are 7x more productive in their jobs. In fact, companies with a highly engaged workforce have a 21% higher profitability.

The value of employee engagement is evident. Studies reveal that a single disengaged employee can cost a company about $3,400 in lost productivity for every $10,000 in salary. Offering a strategic tenant engagement plan at your property can not only help your tenants save the expense of replacing lost workers, but it can lead to even greater productivity and ultimately revenues for their business. Landlords who demonstrate to their tenants that they are listening to their priorities and are willing to invest in programs that help their businesses grow and thrive will ultimately develop loyal customers who never leave.

And in a post-Covid world, emotional connections at work could not be more important. According to a recent BOMA Nationwide Covid-19 Commercial Real Estate Impact Study, 62% OF TENANTS BELIEVE THAT MOST SUCCESSFUL BUSINESSES ARE BASED ON HUMAN CONNECTIONS AND COLLABORATION, and environments which facilitate such interactions are essential to keeping organizations productive.  These respondents say that whether or not a building offers this kind of environment will be a decision point in their returning to their office post-Covid. In fact, Kingsley Surveys have reported that tenants are 3x more likely to renew when they are satisfied with the tenant experience. This includes customer service as experienced through consistent programming, something tenant employees can’t get if they continue to work from home.

Let us curate a customized solution for you and your unique business. Connecting has never been easier - or more important.